Monday, November 5, 2007

Hello November!!

Wow . . . I can't believe it's November already. Thanks so much for all of you who attended Parent/Teacher Conferences, I always look forward to meeting the students' parents. I had a great turn out for conferences and it was a pleasure meeting you all! Now to the fun stuff . . .

There will be 2 lists for Spelling this week: Group 1 (Regular Spelling) & Group 2 (Challenge Spelling). There will be hand outs that the challenge kids will need to do just like the regular spellings kiddos. Both lists will be posted on the web site as well. So here goes:

Regular Spelling:
1. spring
2. knee
3. throw
4. patch
5. strong
6. wrap
7. three
8. watch
9. street
10. know
11. spread
12. write
13. strength *
14. kitchen *

15. Will you write three letters to me?

16. Get the plates from the kitchen across the street.

Challenge Spelling:
1. rough
2. grudge
3. stunt
4. thumb
5. once
6. another
7. does
8. trouble
9. cousin
10. began
11. oxygen
12. copy
13. very
14. until
15. umpire
16. sudden
17. which
18. city

19. They’re moving to another city once school is out.
20. The stunt diver used an oxygen tank until he reached the surface.

If you have any questions regarding either list, don't hesitate to call and ask!

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