Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A note from Mrs. T . . .

Hi! My daughter is having surgery today (she’s having her tonsils and adenoids taken out), and because of this I will be gone for the rest of this week.

There will be no homework, except for Spelling and I would like them to continue to read books for Read Across America. The kids have read almost 10,000 pages so far. That is really great, but some kids have no miles yet!! They need to make sure that they have 500 by March 3. I won’t be taking the kids’ reading logs this week because I will be gone, so they will have to turn them in next Friday.

Also, we have been learning our Multiplication Facts at school. There are tricks that I have been teaching them along with teaching them the basic concept of Multiplication. It would be really helpful for the kids to practice their facts at home. Thanks for your help.
If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail: andreajtuttle@gmail.com. Thanks again.

Spelling Words for Jan. 23-25

Group 1
1. and
2. said
3. goes
4. going
5. some
6. something
7. you
8. your
9. friend
10. school
11. where
12. myself
13. tonight*
14. lying *
15. field*
16. enough*

Challenge Group

1. awhile
2. where
3. thought
4. athletes
5. truthful
6. purchases
7. exchange
8. though
9. rhythm
10. children
11. chocolates
12. friendship
13. together
14. white
15. watches
16. arithmetic
17. months
18. length

No homework except for Spelling and Reading this week!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Spelling Words for Jan. 14-18 . . .

Note: These words will be harder than usual . . .they are homophones and the kids will really need to PRACTICE this week!

Group 1:
The Garden of Abdul Gayasi

1. hear
2. here
3. new
4. knew
5. its
6. it’s
7. our
8. hour
9. there
14. They’re bringing their dog over there.

Group 2:
Challenge Words
Spelling- Homophones

1. accept
2. except
3. affect
4. effect
5. aisle
6. I’ll
7. aloud
8. allowed
9. capital
10. capitol
11. ceiling
12. sealing
13. choral
14. coral
15. desert
16. dessert
17. I’m not allowed to read aloud during dessert.
18. The capitol’s aisle carpet is coral except near the door.

Monday: Spelling words, Math Minute, read
Tuesday: Spelling words, Language worksheet
Wednesday: Spelling words, Spelling worksheets
Thursday: Spelling words, Words Per Minute, Math Minute

Report Cards will be sent home TODAY!!!
Also there will be no school on the 21st or the 22nd.

Students are reading like crazy . . .

They have read 6, 991 pages so far!!

I have only read 482!!

Great job!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


It's Read Across America Time!! I am soooo excited and so are the kids! I sent home an informational flyer giving the gist of the program, but for those of you who haven't seen it . . . here is the info:
I have challenged the kids to Read Across America. For each page of a book, magazine, or newspaper that they read, they get a mile towards going around the world. The class' goal is to READ AROUND THE WORLD before Mrs. Nutt & I READ ACROSS AMERICA!! The kids need to read approximately 19,000 pages and Mrs. Nutt and I have to read about 4,300 pages. The kids are already excited about this program . . . you should see a Reading Log come home and all that I ask is for you to initial your child's log when they read at home. I take weekly totals and I will be sure and post the results to this blog site! Happy Reading Everyone!!

By the way, the kids need to read a minimum of 500 pages in order to be invited to Dr. Suess' birthday party on March 3! Thanks for your support!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Spelling Words for Jan. 3-5

Hello everyone . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Here are the spelling words for the kids this week:

The Mysterious Giant of Barletta
1. girl
2. clear
3. her
4. turn
5. dark
6. work
7. smart
8. word
9. hurt
10. serve
11. north
12. third
13. tornado *
14. scurried*

Challenge Words
1. urgent
2. Thursday
3. purpose
4. thirsty
5. camera
6. wonder
7. smuggler
8. remember
9. surprise
10. earth
11. certain
12. person
13. dollar
14. color
15. collar
16. early
17. mayor
18. doctor

Homework for this week:
Wed.- Spelling Words, 2x's Worksheet, & Following Directions Worksheet
Thurs.- Spelling Words, 5x's Worksheet, & Cursive (didn't send a following directions worksheet!)
Friday- 3x's Worksheet

Also, we have started on our multiplication unit for Math. The kids NEED to have all of their multiplication facts memorized as soon as they can. For those that do already, I will be going ahead with them during math time. If you can, please make or purchase some flashcards. It would be great to practice at home with your child. If you need any ideas, let me know! Hope your Christmas Break was great!!