Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A note from Mrs. T . . .

Hi! My daughter is having surgery today (she’s having her tonsils and adenoids taken out), and because of this I will be gone for the rest of this week.

There will be no homework, except for Spelling and I would like them to continue to read books for Read Across America. The kids have read almost 10,000 pages so far. That is really great, but some kids have no miles yet!! They need to make sure that they have 500 by March 3. I won’t be taking the kids’ reading logs this week because I will be gone, so they will have to turn them in next Friday.

Also, we have been learning our Multiplication Facts at school. There are tricks that I have been teaching them along with teaching them the basic concept of Multiplication. It would be really helpful for the kids to practice their facts at home. Thanks for your help.
If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail: andreajtuttle@gmail.com. Thanks again.

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