Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Spelling Words for Jan. 3-5

Hello everyone . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Here are the spelling words for the kids this week:

The Mysterious Giant of Barletta
1. girl
2. clear
3. her
4. turn
5. dark
6. work
7. smart
8. word
9. hurt
10. serve
11. north
12. third
13. tornado *
14. scurried*

Challenge Words
1. urgent
2. Thursday
3. purpose
4. thirsty
5. camera
6. wonder
7. smuggler
8. remember
9. surprise
10. earth
11. certain
12. person
13. dollar
14. color
15. collar
16. early
17. mayor
18. doctor

Homework for this week:
Wed.- Spelling Words, 2x's Worksheet, & Following Directions Worksheet
Thurs.- Spelling Words, 5x's Worksheet, & Cursive (didn't send a following directions worksheet!)
Friday- 3x's Worksheet

Also, we have started on our multiplication unit for Math. The kids NEED to have all of their multiplication facts memorized as soon as they can. For those that do already, I will be going ahead with them during math time. If you can, please make or purchase some flashcards. It would be great to practice at home with your child. If you need any ideas, let me know! Hope your Christmas Break was great!!

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