Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spelling & Homework for March 31-April 4 . . .

Regular Spelling
/s/ Sound in face

1. face
2. city
3. pencil
4. place
5. center
6. dance
7. race
8. circle
9. nice
15. The dance will be held at the city center.
16. Have you ever been to the circus before?

Challenge Spelling List

1. occurrence
2. embarrass
3. occasion
4. symmetry
5. recommend
6. exaggerate
7. terrain
8. barricade
9. alliance
10. applaud
11. hooray
12. opportunity
13. daughter
14. opposite
15. authentic
16. awkward
17. brought
18. because
19. “Hooray!” shouted Mr. McKenzie’s daughter.
20. I applaud the authentic Mexican food you brought.

Mon.- Spelling and Math Minute Sheet
Tues.- Spelling and Possessive Pronouns
* For your information:
Possessive Pronouns
Certain pronouns called possessive pronouns show ownership.
Possessive Pronouns
Certain pronouns called possessive pronouns show ownership. Some are used alone; some describe a noun.
Used alone: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, whose
Correct: That computer is hers.
Modify noun: my, your, his, her, its, our, their, whose
Correct: That is her computer.
Wed.- Spelling and Time Line Activity
Thurs.-Spelling, Homophones, & Writing Dates & Time worksheet

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